Demographics by Tract/Block Group

The United States Census Bureau administers certain boundaries within Pottawatomie County, KS, called Block Groups. These areas fall within other larger boundaries, called Census Tracts. Data collected for these geographic areas can help with analysis of Pottawatomie County demographics across both townships and rural areas.

Pottawatomie County Census Boundaries Map

The following Census geographic boundary map be used to help identify the tract information for different parts of Pottawatomie County.

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Pottawatomie County Census Tracts 

There are five census tracts in Pottawtaomie county. These are census tracts number 4, 1.01, 3, 1.02, and 2. Starting with these tract areas, we can view data and information on the entire tract area, or drill further into the details of the different block groups contained by that tract. Unlike with city-based data, these geographic data groups allow us to gather insights on demographics on the rural communities which make up a large portion of Pottawatomie County.

Census Tract 4

Map of the Pottawatomie County Census Tract 4.

Geographically, census tract 4 is the largest in Pottawatomie County, covering a great deal of the northern half of the county, including the communities of Olsburg, Westmoreland, Wheaton, Onaga, and Havensville, and the surrounding rural areas.

The following data, sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau, gives an overview of the demographics of tract 4:

Pottawatomie County, KS, Census Tract 4 Overview
Population 4,142
Median Age 50.7
% 65 Years and Older 25.1%
% Veterans 8.8%
Total Households 1,587
Median Household Income $64,356
Homeownership rate 75.6%
Total Housing Units 1,891
Employment Rate 55.1%
Average Travel Time to Work (in Minutes) 25.7
% With a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher 30.8%
% Without Healthcare Coverage 3.4%

Census Tract 3

Map of the Pottawatomie County Census Tract 3


The following chart, based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau, provides additional insight on the populations included in Census Tract 3:

Pottawatomie County, KS, Census Tract 3 Overview
Population 4,745
Median Age 26.9
% 65 Years and Older 10.2%
% Veterans 6.9%
Total Households 1,498
Median Household Income $66,667
Homeownership rate 79.5%
Total Housing Units 1,504
Employment Rate 61.6%
Average Travel Time to Work (in Minutes) 21.1
% With a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher 24.1%
% Without Healthcare Coverage 6.8%

Census Tract 1.01

Map of the Pottawatomie County Census Tract 1.01.

U.S. Census Bureau demographic information for Census Tract 1.01 is included below:

Pottawatomie County, KS, Census Tract 1.01 Overview
Population 2,497
Median Age 40.9
% 65 Years and Older 12.5%
% Veterans 11.6%
Total Households 821
Median Household Income $82,557
Total Housing Units 1,006
Employment Rate 73.9%
Average Travel Time to Work (in Minutes) 29.2
% With a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher 39.0%
% Without Healthcare Coverage 6.2%

Census Tract 1.02

Map of Pottawatomie County Census Tract 1.02.

The following data from the Census Bureau provides additional insight on the populations included in Census Tract 1.02:

Pottawatomie County, KS, Census Tract 1.02 Overview
Population 7,973
Median Age 32.2
% 65 Years and Older 12.1%
% Veterans 14.4%
Total Households 2,778
Median Household Income $84,667
Total Housing Units 2,961
Employment Rate 64.6%
Average Travel Time to Work (in Minutes) 23.0
% With a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher 44.4%
% Without Healthcare Coverage 4.5%

Census Tract 2

Map of Pottawatomie County Census Tract 2.

The chart below includes additional Census Bureau information on the population of Census Tract 2: 

Pottawatomie County, KS, Census Tract 2 Overview
Population 5,991
Median Age 37.4
% 65 Years and Older 14.3%
% Veterans 8.7%
Total Households 2,104
Median Household Income $77,679
Homeownership rate 73.8%
Total Housing Units 2,504
Employment Rate 68.9%
Average Travel Time to Work (in Minutes) 30.5
% With a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher 39.7%
% Without Healthcare Coverage 3.0%